Saturday, September 27, 2008

Go long

I was reminiscing this morning. I was longing for the days when an easy 4 miler was just that. Today, not so easy. I did my first "long" run since April this morning and I have to tell you was awesome. I stayed in my neighborhood instead of heading down to the bike path where I normally do my long runs and can feel the twinge from the concrete sidewalks. Maybe in a few weeks I'll venture back to my old haunt and brave the trails again. Part of my trepidation is because the last time I ran there it was with the Boy Toy and I'm not sure what kind of emotions will arise. Don't get me wrong, I'm not sorry that relationship ended but it taints my trail a little. However, now that I'm back to running after my sabbatical I'm ready to create new memories on the path.

Oh yeah, and I weighed myself this morning. That was ugly. I gained back those 20lbs I lost right after the marathon last year. *sigh* No better time than now to start chiseling all that away.


Kelly said...

4 miles is still 4 miles. Way to go.

Road Warrior said...

I'd call this quite good, Kate. Congrats on running the distance.

Just don't get too many miles in too quickly. That's where my injuries have always come from.

Running Ragged said...

The good thing about the extra weight is, it does not have to be permanent!

Congratz on your 4 miles. I agree, take it easy. Even though you mind might not be a noobie, your body right now is. :)

Anonymous said...

They come on easier then they come off. I learned as I had put back on 20 as well in my time away from running.