Thursday, March 22, 2007


Beth and I had it all figured out. We were BFF in high school so it made sense that we would also be BFF in college. Rooming together in the dorms seemed like a perfectly natural idea. We were cut from the same cloth, Beth and I, sort of nerdy, pretty religious, always the do-gooders. We both got good grades and stayed out of trouble. Together, we would support each other through this our first year of college.

When the day finally arrived, Beth and I settled ourselves into our humble dorm room and prepared ourselves for the upcoming quarter. College was so much different than high school. We were allowed to stay out as late as we wanted, skip class, watch cable tv...there were even BOYS living on our same floor!

I don't say all this to make it sound like were were some goody-two-shoes, naive Christian girls who didn't know anything. We'd both had our fair share of boyfriends and the details surrounding those relationships would have made our mother's squirm. But still, there was a fair amount we had yet to experience....

One afternoon, two girls neither of us knew came knocking on our door. Jill and Abbey were from a Certain Campus Ministry and wanted to know if we might be interested in attending a women's bible study. Although we each had regular bible studies of our own, we both agreed this might be a great way to meet other Christians on campus and make friends who had other things on their minds than partying.

We met with 6 other women every Tuesday night and with a lecture hall full of people every Sunday to sing and listen to the message. We went on retreats and sang around camp fires. Had dinners at apartments with girls we were becoming fast friends with. Running was the absolute farthest thing from my mind and I managed to gain a few pounds.

Not to worry, I thought to myself. Here I've found people who love and accept me for who I am.

But there was a curiosity lurking somewhere beneath my psyche. I was still in close contact with most of my high school friends - friends who liked to party.

One night, I decided to join them.

1 comment:

GB said...

Uh oh, were you a party animal? Can't wait to read your next installment of why you run!