Saturday, October 06, 2007

Twelve with Dad and My Bill

I had a pretty good run this morning with my dad and my future BIL. Dad did 11 and my BIL and I did 12 miles. The first 5 miles or so were pretty sluggish and I could tell dad was hurting. At 7am it was already 70F with high humidity so I knew it was going to be a struggle for him. One of these days we're both going to have a good run on the same day. Hopefully that day is October 21st!

The future BIL ran circles around us (and by the way, I now call him "My Bill" which I find HILARIOUS even if no one else seems to).. At one point he ran off to use the porta potty and took off like a shot. He later told me he ran an 18:00 5k in high school. And he's out there with us slow pokes now. I keep thinking he must be so bored but he keeps coming back!

At mile nine, My Bill and I left my dad (at his insistence) and tried to run the last 3 miles at MP (10:50). The first mile came in around 10:25 so I thought, ah hellena, I'll try and do the last two at the same pace. Somehow I managed it and finished strong. It felt hard and I know I couldn't hold that pace for 26.2 miles but I'm encouraged by the fact that I could run with that intensity after already running 9 miles in this kind of weather.

A few new weird twinges in my feet today that I attribute to the taper. I was able to run it out so I'm not worried. I feel strangely calm about it all today. Don't worry, I'm sure that will change tomorrow.

Update: I tried a bagel with spray butter this morning (for taste, there's absolutely nothing in that stuff) and Gatorade and it worked like gangbusters. Breakfast problem SOLVED!


Running Ragged said...

A bagel and Gatorade, breakfast of champions! I eat the same thing. ;)

2 more weeks!

Nancy said...

Oh cool. Everything's coming together. :D

Your Bill sounds like a nice guy if he has rocket legs and still hangs out with the future family.

Andria said...

Yay for solved breakfast problems!
I think calling him My Bill is hilarious... sounds like something I'd do.

Congrats on a great run.