Tuesday, November 27, 2007

A start.

Guess what? I don't have heart cancer. Shocking, I know.

I saw my cold and humorless cardiologist first thing this morning and he determined from my blood work that I have hypothyroidism which a) I did not know and b) *could* be causing the palpitations. So we are going to treat the hypothyroidism and hopefully the palpitations calm themselves down. If not, then he'll put me on a beta-blocker which should do the trick (no sense in putting me on a pill I don't need if it is, in fact, the thyroid dealy).

In any event, he determined the palpitations are annoying, yes, but not harmful. In the mean time, I'm scheduled for a stress test/echocardiogram thingy to rule anything else out. This puts my mind at ease. Even though I've already had all the blood work and the chest x-rays and about half a dozen EKG's, the stress test is the mack daddy. If that comes back clean as well, there's no reason why I shouldn't be out there winning marathons and stuff. Well, ok, trying not to come in dead last in marathons and stuff.

So, there's still doctors appointments and trial drugs to follow but I'll sleep (and run) better knowing I've done everything I can to make sure I'm as healthy as I can be.

Speaking of running, oh yeah because this is a running blog, I've had some great runs recently. I ran 4 miles tonight with an average pace of 9:45mpm <--wahoo! My BIL has gotten me in the gym a few times because he's tired of me punching him in the neck when he tells people it took me less than 1/2 a day to run the marathon. He's a funny guy, I tell you. He's been kicking my butt on the machines and it's actually a lot of fun. Plus I don't feel as intimidated using those things with a guy around. Speaking of guys....there sure are some cute ones in his gym. I'm thinking of joining!


Nancy said...

Oh Hypothyroidism. Every girl's dream. This is always what they check if you say, I just can't lose weight or no matter what I do, I seem to be gaining. They check to make sure your thyroid is functioning. Usually, it's never that. You lucky girl. You will probably drop some pounds when you get regulated. (well, i shouldn't say that, i just assume everyone is always trying to drop them like I am, but I realize that is not always the case) :D At any rate, if it has been difficult to maintain weight, this is likely the culprit and should get better. My MIL gained 30 lbs before they figured out she was hypothryoid, lost it all once she got on the meds for awhile.

Actually, I feel like I should have picked this up based on what you were saying especially on the palpitations. I'm so glad you have some answers!!

Bill Carter said...

Hypothyroidism is totally treatable and something you can actually live with quite nicely. I agree with everything that Nancy said and I agree that when you get regulated you will probably lose weight... and the palpitations should stop as well. Best of luck to you.

Midwest said...

I'm so glad you're okay, Kate!

Running Ragged said...

I am very, very happy for you that it is something that can be kept under control. :)