Friday, November 16, 2007

You've been tagged!

Alright. We need to lighten up around here. I can't get in to see my cardiologist until next week so we are going to think positive thoughts and have a little fun while we're at it. Ok? Ok.

Pastor Greg tagged me a little while ago and this seemed like the perfect opportunity to get my mind off my heart.

Here are the rules:
1. Link to the person that tagged you, that would be me at and post the rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself.
3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs.
4. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

7 random and/or weird facts about me:

1. I'm a Pharmacy Technician. I work for a BIG BAD INSURANCE COMPANY and they offered to pay for those of us that worked in the pharmacy department to get certified. I thought, what the hay? It's free, all I'd have to do was take a test and POOF, I'd get to put a couple of fancy letters after my name, get a raise, and legally be able to sell drugs. Shortly after I got my certificate in the mail, I changed career paths (within the same company) but still like to be able to put this: CPhT after my name. I'm vain like that.

2. I lived in Scotland for 6 months. I was fresh out of college and couldn't find a job so I hopped on a plane to the UK. I ended up in Edinburgh and spent 6 of the most fantastic months of my life working in an ESL school, learning how to roll my r's and soaking up the wiskey soaked air. I can't wait to go back and visit someday soon.

3. My favorite food is a pickle spear with a piece of American cheese wrapped around it. Top it off with some mustard and I'm in heaven.

4. Every year on my birthday, I like to be some place different. One year I was in Rome, the next year it was Toledo, OH and one year I went to Virginia Beach and swam out into the ocean far enough so my feet couldn't touch the bottom so I could say I was "out of the country". That one was a stretch.

5. I cannot pronounce the word "ambulance". For some reason the "bu" sounds like "boo" when I say it.

6. I am an extremely picky eater. Basically, I have the taste buds of a five year old. I like cereal and mac'n'cheese and hot dogs. Wont go near seafood or mushrooms or onions or peppers or tomatoes or corn or cantaloupe or...

7. My sister and I are six years apart and we look exactly the same. People often think we're twins, which either means I look like I'm 22 or she looks 28...or maybe we're somewhere in the middle. We have the same pale skin, the same red hair and same body shape (although she's a little taller and thinner), we even have moles and freckles on the exact same spots on our bodies, down to the same shape, size and color. And yet, my brother and I managed to convince her that she was adopted when she was little. We were so cruel.

I'm going to break the rules and say that anyone who reads this post that has not been tagged in the last month - consider yourself tagged.

On a more serious note, thank you for all the prayers and comments left here recently. I am again touched by the support I continue to receive here, whether it's running, just being silly or something that's a little scary. My doctor urged me to go to the ER if the pain got any worse but I feel like it's better. I know chest pain is nothing to take lightly and won't hesitate to go if it gets worse. I'll keep you all posted.


Greg Johnson said...


I've added you you to my daily prayer list and will continue to pray. Thanks for keeping us all posted.

Know that you are loved,

Amy@RunnersLounge said...

Pickle with cheese and mustard....ewwww.....interesting choice on your short list of ok foods. Loved the fun facts! Take care of yourself.

Jes said...

I think 3 and 6 contradict each other. lol

Bill Carter said...

Glad to hear that you are doing better. I still wish all these doctors would give you a break and say that you are ok. Anyway... I like the factoids. Extremely picky eater?? I couldn't agree with you more and only eat about 5 different foods regularly.
Have a GREAT Thanksgiving.

Nibbles said...

Hi, Kate, as as fellow 2007 Columbus marathoner, I noticed your blog on the Runner's World forums and have been following your story. I just wanted you to know that my thoughts are with you.
