Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Date

I had butterflies in my stomach all day, annoying my co-workers to my slight pleasure. We agreed to meet at a popular running path, one that I am familiar with like the back of my hand. I told my mom and my close girlfriends where I was, what I was wearing and when I expected to be back...just in case. As an aside, its sort of sad that we have to think of these things but this is the world we live in I suppose. But, none of that was necessary because it actually went pretty great! As soon as we got our feet moving, we fell into a comfortable pace (well, a little fast for me, near power-walking speed for him!) and into a comfortable conversation. There was talk of books, movies, art, friends, running....all the typical safe first date topics. It was easy, and I'm not usually a person for whom conversation comes naturally. As I told one of my girlfriends later, running is something I'm very comfortable doing and feel the most like myself. To do this as a date took away all the awkward I-don't-know-what-I-should-be-doing-with-my-hands feeling I so often get on first dates.

I was relaxed and mostly un-awkward. He was funny and really cute and we're meeting again tomorrow!


Christine said...

aww congrats! what a way to start!! Going for a run! Thats gotta be a healthy relationship..haha.

Amy@RunnersLounge said...

How cool is that? Running together is always so much more comfortable than any other way to meet someone. I hope it continues to go well!

Patty said...

Sounds like fun, fun, fun. And a great way to get to know someone without pressure or pretense.

Nancy said...


(my 3 year old now say WOO HOO) hee hee

I'm so excited for you. And glad it was so easy to talk. That's a great start!

Midwest said...

That's so cool, Kate. Um, what did you wear?

Bill Carter said...

I like him already... How many runners do you know who aren't just the nicest people?? Stumped you didn't I. Runners are the coolest.

Congrats on the great date!