Sunday, January 06, 2008


Couple things of note...

1. I joined a gym. I haven't had a gym membership for about 2 years (my old gym went out of business, what does that tell you about this mid-western town?) but after being dragged to one by my BIL, I decided this might be something that could be really good for me. My 1/2 marathon training program starts tomorrow and I'm gonna give speed work a go. Doing this on a TM seems safer than running around my neighborhood in the dark, ice and snow. Plus, there are cute boys there.

2. I signed up for the Flying Pig half marathon, which means I'll have to maintain my training for a few weeks after the Capital City Half Marathon. Capital City is where I'm hoping to PR in a big way so I'm not really too concerned with my time for the Pig, although I think the Pig will be really fun.

3. I've been doing a lot of impulse buying this weekend which is pretty unusual for me. I can't explain the urges, but man, I've got a whole new wardrobe and a fake plant, top that off with race registrations and gym memberships and you'd think I actually had money to burn. Not exactly.

4. I spent Saturday afternoon watching episodes of My So Called Life. This show came out when I was a junior in high school and I was convinced the writers had peeked into my very soul and plastered it on TV. Watching it again (for the first time since it originally aired) made me sentimental for that time in my life but also wondering how anyone ever makes it through high school alive. And all that flannel!

Anyway, that is all. Hope everyone has a wonderful week. It's going to seem like a long one!


Nibbles said...

Hey Kate,

I hear you on the treadmill speedwork ... tracks are hard to come by around here! Good luck with starting your training. I'm feeling better today and I think I will be able to start my training tomorrow as well.

I used to love My So-Called Life. Do you have a DVD of the complete series?

And oh, yeah ... GO BUCKS!

I hope you have a great week.

Christine said...

haha! I swear thats what my blog should be socalled life! Have fun at the new gym membership :)

Bridgette said...

You're doing the pig!?! I am contemplating doing that one as well. What plan are you doing that you're starting now? Mine doesn't start until Feb!

kate said...
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