Saturday, March 29, 2008

You gotta want it.

If I can pound out another 15.4 miles before Tuesday, I will reach 100 miles for the month of March which is not bad considering I haven't run that many miles in one month since last September and considering one year ago at this time, I ran just over 60 miles for the entire month. I'm feeling pretty good about that. The BT and I ran together a lot this week and the pace was probably a little bit too fast for me, but honestly, I felt ok. The weather has finally taken a turn for the better which has helped immensely.

But, I have to level with you here guys. I'm having second thoughts about committing to run the full marathon again this October. I know, I know. A few months ago I was all gung-ho about it, ready to hit the pavement again and knock a few hours off my time. I've mentioned a few times on this blog that I'm having trouble finding the motivation to train and for a while, I thought it mostly had to do with the season and other things going on in my life. But that lack of motivation hasn't gone away and more than anything, I think about marathon training with dread. And that's NOT THE WAY TO GO. I've always believed that in order to run a marathon, you really have to want to do it. You have to want to get out there and train in the heat and on days you'd really rather just go home. You have to want to skip happy hours with friends because of a scheduled long run in the morning. You have to want to put up with the physical demands it puts on your body and the time it takes away from your family. You have to want that finish line more than anything and I have to say...right now I don't want it that much. I'm not saying that the marathon is definitely out for this year or ever again but that this may not be the time for me to push myself into doing something I don't really want to do just because I think I should.

As I'm training for the two half marathons I have coming up, I'm discovering that I can still have somewhat of a social life with half-marathon training. The long runs don't take up my entire weekend and I don't have to feel guilty for having a few drinks at the end of a long hard week. I think I'm going to stick to half's for a while and maybe revisit the marathon again when I know I really want it.


Greg Johnson said...


You are using wisdom by not pushing youself to do another marathon this year unless you really want to. Doing halfs will help you get ready for that next full when the "want to" comes back and the timing is right.

Your authenticity and transparency is very refreshing.

Keep pressing toward the finish line!


Nancy said...

Don't push it. Train for the halves and have fun with it. The drive will return or not but no reason to push it.

Running Ragged said...

Interesting how perspectives change, isn't it? I have come the same conclusion about 1/2 vs full marathon training as you, but I have not completely ruled out the full in October. I am still looking for my "want to" as well.

I will be at the Flying Pig as a spectator (I am running the Indi 500 1/2 on 4/3), let me know your bib number and I'll look for you!

Good luck with both halves! :)

Running Ragged said...

Make that 5/3, not 4/'s late and I should be in bed! :o)

Nibbles said...


This kind of foresight and self-knowledge is a character trait so many people would die for. If you're not feeling up to it this year, kudos to you for not doing the full. Life is too short!

Midwest said...

I totally respect that.

Bill Carter said...

Nothing wrong with being honest with yourself. You are absolutely correct that the marathon requires a lot of sacrifice and devotion to your training. If you are just not feeling it now, that's ok. You can always change your mind later because your training for the halfs will already have you in great summer shape.

Best of luck with the training and the BT.

P.O.M. said...

Ha. Once again - we are the same here too. I have a half in May. I'm happy with half marathons because I dnot gain weight AND it doesnt take too much time out of my life.

BUT... that being said - I just signed up for an October Marathon - Portland.

"Just follow your heart. That's what I'd do." Napolean Dynomite.

Patty said...

I agree that the half is a much for friendly distance and one can do these races and still have a life on the side. Life is important to me.

What I finally ask myself is why was I feeling bad, and thinking less of my self at only wanting to run 13.1 mile races rather than the full? This is still WAY MORE than most people aspire to, so I am practicing being nicer to myself and not getting hung up on distance. So far it is working.