Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Comeback Kid

I'm horrified to realize that I haven't posted anything since the FIFTH of JULY. And here it is, the end of September. If anyone still stops by this dusty corner of the internet, I thank you 1000 times.

As I type this, I'm curled up in bed getting myself geared up for another quarter of classes. It's still dark outside and I'm wondering how it's possible the summer went by so quickly. But a good summer it was. After 4 months of intensive therapy and multiple drug combinations, I think I've found my happy medium. I haven't felt this good in years. Anxiety still wakes me in the night, still grabs me by the throat too often, however I see a light at the end of the tunnel. Someone once described depression as being like a tree covered in vines. The vines start at the base of the tree and continue up the trunk sometimes reaching so high and thick that the tree disappears and all anyone can see is the vines. I think I've managed to untangle my tree from some of those vines and I believe even some of my branches are showing. It feels glorious.

So glorious, in fact, that I've been running. Yes, that's right. Running. I'm taking it nice and slow, which is drastically different from how I usually try to get back in the game. I've been doing 2 minutes walking 2 minutes running and I feel like I could do that for hours.

I'm back.


Jeff said...

Welcome back, we've missed you.

Running Ragged said...

I second Jeff's comment. I am glad to see you back. :)

kate said...

Thank you both 1000 times each.

Anonymous said...


Glad to see you back. I wondered where you had run off to. Glad to here you are doing better with the depression. I seriously need to see my doctor about getting some new meds. Mine are not doing the trick anymore and I am really struggling.

Everyday is a struggle. I feel the vines are growing and getting thicker and stronger. I have a secret potion I am using to help and it does for a bit, but that too can consume the tree, so I must not rely on it too much.

chirunner said...

I was beginning to worry about you. It's good to see you're back. Running and biking! Way to go. Welcome back. Looking forward to more posts.