Saturday, October 11, 2008

I will run.


I'm going to run today.

I AM going to run today.

I am going to RUN today.

I am going to run TODAY.

I am going to put on my shoes and my shorts and my shirt and my little black visor that is the best little black visor a girl could wish for. I'm going to strap my Garmin to my left wrist, charge my ipod, and step out the front door. Then I will run. I will run for 4 miles. And then I will stop. I will stop running, come back to my apartment, take a shower and report my accomplishment.

Sometimes it takes a little visualization.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

you never feel bad after a run. That's one I repeat during a run.

And, you didn't get up today just to quit halfway through? That's a new one, have yet to try it.