Saturday, October 13, 2007

Last long run with Dad

Sorry I've been away and been a bad blogger this week. Nothing newsworthy to print, I suppose. Just biding my time, resting up the ol' legs and obsessing about the weather. Not much I can do about the weather but I'm checking the forecast every 5 minutes anyway, as if knowing it's going to be 49F at the start versus 48F is going to make a lick of difference.

I finished my last long run this morning at 8.30 and now I'm puttering around the house looking for something to keep me occupied, yet restful the same time. I'll probably blow through the 5th Harry Potter book this afternoon and catch up on TV I haven't watched for weeks. Unfortunately, the major cleaning project I had in mind will have to wait. Bummer. No cleaning for me!
Dad and I did 8 miles this morning for our final long run and it felt great. Easy. Piece of cake. Walk in the park. All that good stuff. My BIL crapped out at the last minute but I really enjoyed running with my dad for the last time this season (hopefully he'll want to do it again!). We talked football, race day strategy, the most recent episode of The Office. I'm really grateful for the conversations we've had between the miles over the past 14 weeks or so. I scrounged up this picture from the Lifeline of Ohio 1/2 Marathon (aka, the 1/2 marathon where I crashed and burned at mile 6 and wanted to throw myself in front of a semi). Sorry for the ridiculous face I pulled here. I think my subconscious knew what was coming. But, nonetheless, here we are; me and my dad...


Nancy said...

Hope you keep busy. It's almost here. I'm not going to be able to do the Full but I am still going to try to do the HM. I hope I don't crash and burn at 6, but I am afraid there is a chance it could happen. I'll be thinking about you! You are going to do great. Glad you've had fun with your dad.

Amy@RunnersLounge said...

Hope you find one fun thing to do during the rest of your taper that you have put off through your training - treat yourself or your dad. What a great experience to run with him through this.

Take care,


Patty said...

I like the picture. Thanks for sharing it.

Enjoy the coming week leading up the the big day! Breath, breath, and breath some more!

Bill Carter said...

Cool picture. It sounds like the taper is doing its job... while also managing to irritate the heck out of you with the lack of good hard pedal to the medal running. Won't be long until you can take it out on Columbus.

Andria said...

That must be one of the best parts of training for your marathon. All that time spent with your dad is great and those memories will last just like the great marathon memories that you'll have this time next week.