Wednesday, October 03, 2007


I'm not sure I would know I had a touch of taper madness if I didn't know it. Don't read that sentence again, your eyes might start bleeding. What I mean by that is that if I didn't know ALL the things I might possibly experience the next few weeks, I might have taken the symptoms in stride, barely registering on my radar. But since I know I might be feeling a little edgy, I feel edgy. Because I know I might be paranoid about little niggling aches and pains, I'm uber paranoid. Because I know I might fear gaining weight, I'm obsessing about what to put in my mouth. If I hadn't read that stupid article, I MIGHT BE FINE.

For example, earlier this week, I noticed my running log said my shoes had over 250 miles on them already. That would mean they'd have over 300 by M-Day. Should I get new shoes? Was it too late to break them in? I ended up rescheduling my day and driving to the Fleet Feet an hour from my house in rush hour traffic just to get a professional opinion. Luckily the store is filled with runners and the sweet girl understood my anxiety. No problem. Shoe problem solved.

On Tuesday I realized that I hadn't experimented enough with my pre-run morning meal. As I mentioned before, the PB&J sandwich I had been eating had a way of catching up with me about 5 miles into my long runs. I only have 2 long(ish) runs left to experiment. Should I go back to bagels? Should I try a banana? Oatmeal? Toast? Maybe I need to eat earlier than 3 hours ahead of time? Breakfast problem not solved.

Today's Issue is food. I'm eating way more than I'm burning off. I'm going to be a big fat lard standing on the starting line. I won't be able to fit in my sports bra. I won't be able to run as well because my legs won't be used to all the extra weight.

I know. Smack some sense in to me. Please!


Running Ragged said...

OMG, it is too funny that some of those thoughts are going through my head as well.

See what works for you breakfast wise, other than that you'll be just fine.

If we turn into big fat lards I'd be happy to ROLL the marathon with you. ;)

Nancy said...

Hee hee, I had some of the same thoughts over the 10 miler. I would be nuts if it was a marathon. One day at a time, Kate.

My best meal after much experimentation is a banana and a cliff bar (or just a cliff bar) and 12 oz of water 1 hour before the run.

You are not going to be a big fat lard, you are going to store a little extra energy that you will happily use during the marathon :)

Hang in there.

Bill Carter said...

Oh Kate. I've said this like a million times, but I friggin' hate the taper. I like to run and I like to have a set schedule. Sunday is a long run...Thursday speedwork and on and on. We runners (from what I hear) tend to be a little obsessive and any change in our routine... well that could put us right over the edge. I have been reading your blog for a while and you have put in some serious training. You just have to know that you are ready and all the stuff your body is telling you these last couple weeks is a load of crap. Don't do anything different than what has worked all those other times on training runs and make Columbus your coming out party!

The 311 Boys Mom said...

Holy Crazy-ness Batman!!!

I don't evny you, but I will promise you this, you WILL fit in your Sports Bra & your legs WILL carry you . . . . . . . you've trained for & practiced & you've even read how your mind will try to trick you . . . . . . . YOU ARE READY; enjoy the PB&J, if you still doubt me, eat 3/4 of what you were eating!!!

AND try this for mornign run....before you run, drink a cup of Swiss Miss Instant Hot Chocolate; you should be in the bathroom with a regular BM with in 20-30 minutes.

I read it somewhere & IT WORKS!! I Swear to Goodness!!!

OH & And I stole your cake! :o)

Andria said...

ARGH!!! Thanks for posting about the stress you are going through. Now I know what to look forward to.

I would say no to the oatmeal because it has too much fiber to be good on a long run. PB toast (on white bread)? Or put PB on your bagel. I don't know what else to tell you since everyone reacts differently.

Hang in there though. You're getting so close and if you stress now, hopefully it will pay off in terms of a stress-free race.

Jamie said...

LOL - I felt the same way. My M-day is this Sunday and I was freaking out the last 2 weeks. Plus I have been eating everything in site. But trust me you will not be a lard and you will fit into everything come race day!

I trained by only eating a powerbar in the morning. I recommend skipping the bananas. They don't work for everyone immediately before runs (stomach wise). Good luck and hang in there!