Sunday, October 14, 2007


The gun goes off and I'm running. The crowd surges around me and I start pumping my arms wildly at my sides. I lose my dad in the shuffle and I think I've already passed my family waiting on the sidelines. The confusion continues until the first waterstop at mile 5. I look down and realize I forgot to attach my timing chip to my shoe laces. Would I have time to go back to my house and get it? Should I keep running anyway and explain to the race director later? Surely they'll give me my medal anyway, right?

And later...

Sunday morning, October 21st. It's 9am and I'm sitting at my desk at work, cleaning up files, rearranging the stuff on my desk. My mom calls to ask where I am. They're at the starting line and can't see me. I tell her I decided to come in to work instead of running the marathon and I'll be down there around 4pm. It's chip timed. I'll be fine. By the time I actually get down to the starting line, every one is gone.

Aside from the wild dreams, I think I'm doing ok. I'm trying not to obsess about things out of my control (weather) and focus on things I can control (not going out too fast). I have pretty vivid dreams every night so I'm not surprised by these two I had this afternoon while snoozing on the couch. What does surprise me is how calm I am in my dreams. In the first one, I'm all, "Meh, I'll just keep running, it will be fine." And in the second, "Meh, I'll get there when I get there." I just hope I'll have the same calmness in my waking hours.

Who am I kidding? I'm going to be a nervous wreck.


RunToTheFinish said...

OH this is the worst part before a race for me! I get freaked out about totally nonplausible things. In the ned it all seems to come together just fine. :)

Bill Carter said...

Less than a week to go. Wow, that must have seemed like it went by really fast. Up until now that is! The last week before a marathon, it is like someone turned the clock on slowwwww. That last week could go on forever and like you, I am nervous that last week like none other. It also doesn't help that your body is FREAKING out in all kinds of ways. I guess all I can say is try to stick to the plan and just know that you are ready... you finaly get to cash in your chips and 10/21 is going to be your day.

Andria said...

Ugh! This rates right up there with dreams about work as least favorite type of dreams to have. Hopefully though the dreams will be the worst part and they'll help you not do what you dreamed about. You're going to do great!

Running Ragged said...

Is it selfish of me to say that I am glad I am not the only one freaking? ;)

You'll do just fine, just picture everyone in their underwear...oh wait, save that one for meetings! lol

Midwest said...

I'm nervous, too!

Patty said...

This week, and the freaking out is all part of your journey, and you will one day look back on this week with fondness.

You are going to have a wonderful race.