Thursday, October 25, 2007

Plan of attack

Thank you for all the kind comments after my last post. As promised....

Me and dad just before the start:
Mile 20.5, never so glad to see my friends!

My biggest cheerleader and mom:
Big finish:
This is how I celebrate!:

Am I not the palest person on the planet?
4 days post marathon and I'm hungry for more. I haven't yet tried to run again but all my soreness is gone and I'm no longer hobbling around like a penguin. I have taken the medal off and am trying to resume to life as usual but I can feel myself already anticipating the next one. I've checked out some other training plans and I think I might use Smart Coach off the Runner's World website to train for the Columbus Distance Classic (half marathon) on April 28th, 2008. I want to PR in the half in a big way and I think with a switch up in training plans (incorporating some speed work) I just may be able to do it. I like the fact that Smart Coach tailors the plan to each individual and even suggests pacing for each day. I think some of my easier runs this summer were run too hard without even knowing it.
I'm also on a mission to get rid of about and extra 40lbs I've been carrying around, otherwise known as "the junk in the trunk". My butt is huge.
Recovery is hard. I feel great but I know I have to take it easy. I'm over the moon! I fully expect to come crashing down any day now but for now I feel just about ready to tackle anything.
I probably won't be back around these internet parts though for a little while. My baby sissy is getting married on Saturday so the next few days are going to be a whirlwind of wedding mania. I'm sure I'll have more pictures, this time, hopefully I'll be a little less sweaty!


Bill Carter said...

Congrats again on your race. You need to do that post race reward thyself thing... it is a must. Wedding?? sounds like a good opportunity to me.
Glad to hear that you have already scheduled a spring race. After that another marathon?? Great luck with your training.

Midwest said...

Great photos. I especially love your mom's t-shirt.

About a year ago, I had a lot of weight to lose, too. I highly recommend Weight Watcher's, if you're so inclined. Running means you get to eat more! :)

Good luck with all of it.

The 311 Boys Mom said...
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The 311 Boys Mom said...

I would recommend Weight Watchers, but I quit--I LOVE FOOD!!!
I also have about 40 lbs to lose.

Wanna "challenge" eachother??

I'm looking to do a 1/2 on April 28 also; I was going to try & do the R&R, BTU I'm in Michigan & I could do Columbus Easy! ~~by easy i mean get there~~
anyway--we can motivate eachother & all that.
I've only run 1 5K, but will be doing another one in a month.
so, let me know......I'll get you my email address & we can start this weight loss.
Weight watchers is awesome, my friends have all lost 30+ lbs; I just love JUNK food & hated the tracking food thing.
BUT you have going is YOU RAN 26.2 miles!!! I'm seriously in awe. . . . . its amazing
Have a Great time at the Wedding!

Trey said...

Hey, nice pics, Kate. Forgot to ask on my previous post whether it was ok to add your site to my 'links'
is that ok?

kate said...


P.O.M. said...

Great pics. What is on your head in the bathtub??? ha ha.

I was in so much pain after the marathon too. I didn't run for almost 2 weeks. But I'm back now - only up to 4 miles. ha ha.

Tom@RunnersLounge said...

Hi Kate. Just wanted to point out a Lounge Group that has formed, the Holiday Weight Challenge, to challenge and support each other with weight loss for the next few months. Not trying to promote Runners' Lounge, but it just seemed like something you might be interested in.
I joined.

Keep up the great work!

Andria said...

These are great pictures! I especially like how you celebrated post race!

Greg Johnson said...

Congrats! Kate.

Keep pressing toward the finish line.