Wednesday, January 16, 2008


5 miles tonight on the treadmill at the gym. This whole going-to-the-gym thing is a weird experience. For one, it's not my old gym and I miss it. For two, there's a lot more youngin's at this new gym. Lots of young pretty men and women. The pretty men grunt at their weights and the pretty women glow on the elliptical thingy. Then there's me, the only one who has sweat enough for it to show on my t-shirt. I figure, if I'm going to be stuck on the treadmill of doom, I'd better make the most of it. Tonight it was 2 x 1600m @ 8:57 pace with 800m recovery jogs in between with a warm up mile and a cool down mile for a total of 5 miles. This all felt pretty good minus a new weird pain in my right foot. It kinda feels like I rolled it but I don't remember ever doing that. I got through my workout with no real problems but I'm going to take it really easy tomorrow and ice it tonight.

So, that's all the exciting news in my little corner of the globe. Hope everyone is staying warm out there and getting some good runs in!


Nancy said...

I sweat and pant like a dog at the gym and watch all the beautiful people! I watched a girl run like a deer the other day, I was behind on the elliptical. I told her she looked awesome and she said, "Oh, I'm TRYING to be a runner." Bitch. She looked like a deer to me. :D She was actually really nice, I did't call her that. ;)

Nibbles said...

Please go easy on that foot--I don't want you to end up like me! Do you have a Stick you could massage it with?