Saturday, January 19, 2008

'ello laddie

I've just returned from an awesome 7.33 miler on the bike path. It started out not so great as it was FREEZING and my dad, bless his heart, has started wearing goofy hats on our long runs. This is the one he wore today:

Tell me that's not embarrassing! And there were tons of people out there. Gah! But, to his credit, he sure knows how to make long and cold runs a lot of fun. My bum foot was pretty stiff for the first mile or two but it eventually loosened up and didn't give me much trouble at all. I took Thursday and Friday off so I was pretty antsy to get out there this morning. I finished the run feeling great and ready to add on some more mileage.

As for my weight loss plateau, I've decided to take the advice of Lynn-e and start keeping a log of everything I put in my mouth. Every breadcrumb, sunflower seed and M&M counts starting this morning. I just need to get over this hump.


ninjamarathonman said...

I saw you out there (well, in the parking lot actually). It's hard to forget a hat like that and I thought, perhaps it's a really warm hat. Glad you had a good run!

Christine said...

I give you credit! I cannot keep food diaries..I end up obsessing and eating 23049823048 more calories. Good luck!

kate said...

Well, that's embarrasing Ninja!

ninjamarathonman said...

I run regularly in a headband, I don't judge.