Sunday, January 20, 2008

Weird 48

It's been a strange weekend. Full of things happening to me that never happen to me. My life is so undramatic it's pathetic, and usually this is the way I like it, but I had some drama this weekend, all of it...well, good. I'm telling you, this kind of stuff never happens to me.

  • my car broke down in the middle of rush hour traffic. While this might appear to be a bad thing, the auto mechanic told me the problem was covered under a recall. I got a brand new fuel pump installed for free, and it only took about 2 hours. This kind of thing never happens to me. Whenever I take my car in, I assume it will cost $1,000 and be in the shop for a week. That way I'm pleasantly surprised with anything less. I know, eternal optimist, right?

  • I talked to this guy for the first time in about 2 years. I think I was calm and collected, but who really knows. The strange thing is that he's been on the forefront of my mind for the last week, even more so than usual. I've blogged about him and even seen him in my dreams. And then, there he was. He initiated the conversation (I never would) and I actually responded with some degree of intelligence. This never happens. I've been known to stuff creamers down my shirt or run away screaming when a boy I like says "Hello." The fact that I was able to form a complete sentence, not once but many times, means progress on my end. He liked my shoes.

  • I have a date. This never happens. I never get hit on or asked out, no one ever flirts with me ever. I think I give off an unapproachable vibe anyway and I really don't think I'm much to look at so when I met this guy and he asked for my number, I wrote it down for him without much hope. But for some reason, he called the next day. A sinking pit of dread formed in my stomach as we talked. He's going to ask me out for dinner, I thought, and I'll be all awkward and embarrassed at myself and it will be a total failure and no one will ever love me and I'm going to die alone and my cat will starve so she'll eat my face and I'll be the pathetic old lady who's cat ate her face. But to my surprise he said, "Would you like to get together for a run this week?" Swoon.

I feel confident that my car will start when I want it too, I can say "Hello" to the man I've been admiring from afar for far too long without running away screaming, and I have a date. Can you believe it???


Nibbles said...

Kate! I am soooo excited for you! I just know you're gonna knock this guy's socks off!

Christine said...

Enjoy the date!! He will be totally impressed with your supernatural running obsession :) I am anyway!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Kate... You had an awesome week, and the weeks to come will only get better.


Nancy said...

WAY cool. I'm not sure which one is the best, they all sound awesome. Good luck!!! :D

Bill Carter said...

I would say that is a pretty impressive week! It is funny how things seem to run in 3s. I know when those irritating bad things happen in life I'm just waiting for them to run their course. 3 good things in a row?? That is awesome and I think you are on a roll Miss Kate.

Great luck on your running date and I am sure that you will have a lot to talk about.

Bev said...

Cute. Anything is possible huh!

Bridgette said...

Kate - send me an email - my addy is on my blog. TTYL

You're in Columbus, right?

The 311 Boys Mom said...

I'm so excited for you!!!

I loved dates!!! :o)

I had a pink sweater I saved for a second date & always the same black on for my first & 3rd dates.

I might dig that out & inform my DH i wish I ot asked on a date so I could wear my SWEATERS that I love. . . .

hindsight, I'm not so skinny & they may not look as good . . . .LOL

Have a GREAT run with this boy!!

Should we assume this is not the boys you spoke about admiring from afar????

So there is the prospect of dating 2 boys at once??!?!?!?!

HOW AWESOME!!!! I Will live vicariously through you & your dating! ;o)

BTW, I assume the same thing for my car ALWAYS & I"ve never been lucky with a RECALL! It was a sign! For better things to come!