Tuesday, January 02, 2007

And so it continues

Exercise: Running
Distance: 3.08 miles
Time: 29.14
Average pace: 9.28/mile (holy crap I love the nike+!)
Location: Antrim, bike path
Weather: 45F

It was a lot colder today than it has been in a long time. Not a cloud in the sky and a brilliant sun (reminder: stick a baseball hat in the car for such rare occasions). But the wind was biting. My lungs were freezing and I thought they might burst. Good time for me today, though. Probably in part to the chill in the air and the Under Armour that always seems to make my legs spring a little faster.

I took two weeks off during the Christmas season for two reason. The first being I was just too freaking busy to get my miles in and the second being I have a niggling little pain in my foot. I thought some time off and a good set of arch supports would do it good. However, I felt the twinge coming back in the ball of my foot today. I'll ice it, do the usual, but I think I'll probably have to go see a doctor. Stupid foot.

It's amazing how quickly I lost the fitness I had worked so hard for. It's not completely gone but it's definitely a struggle to run the miles that used to be rather easy. 6 weeks ago, 3 miles would have been an easy day. Today I had to stop twice. I know I'll get back there but it gets frustrating sometimes. Stupid foot.

Oh yeah, and I have to remember to drink the sports drink a lot earlier than I did today. I thought I was going to hurl there for a second.

Goal for tomorrow: 3 miles again, but S.L.O.W.E.R.! No need to push it and risk injuring my foot.

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