Monday, January 01, 2007

It starts today

I read somewhere that 99% of all New Years resolutions fail within the first month.

Well, lets not call this a "resolution" so much as a "promise" and let's not mention the fact that it just so happens to start on January 1st. That's just a coincidence, right?

My "promise" that I'm making to myself on a rainy Monday morning in January is to keep a training log. I've been running a LOT in the last year and I have no way to account for it. I kept a paper log for a while, a wire ringed notepad I kept on my person at all times. (Well, at least I did until I got a new purse and it was too small and something had to go and that was it.) I figure, if I'm on my computer every day anyway, checking out all the important stuff like myspace, Runner's World and Phedippidations (yeah, it's a weird word, but I love this guy. Check out his podcast sometime, it's a funny, informative and inspiring resource for us middle- and back-of-the-packer's.), then I might as well make use of my time here and keep track of the miles I put in so on December 31st, 2007 I can say I ran xxx miles.

The format will be something like this (although subject to change at any time):

Exercise: Running (only because sometimes I cross train or lift weights)
Distance: 3
Time: 30.12, average pace ?? (this, I will try to take from my Nike + gadget)
Location: Antrim (popular running trail by my house), or gym, treadmill, etc.
Weather: (if applicable) Rainy, but warm

If I have time, I might jot something down about how my legs felt or my problem foot. I'll also add what my goal for the following day will be.

So, let's get this thing started, shall we? Good luck to all of you in the "promises" you've made to yourself. I wish you health and happiness in the new year!

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