Tuesday, January 09, 2007

My team lost the National Championships

Exercise: Running
Distance: 3.25 miles (3.66)
Time: 41.39
Average pace: 10.12/mile (??)
Location: bike path
Weather: 31F, cold, windy, snow.

I think my nike+ doo dad needs to be recalibrated. I know for a fact the trail I ran today is, in fact 3.66 miles, not 3.25.

So today was a first. First run in the snow. Only us crazies were out there today, but that was nice, actually. No dogs to trip over, no gaggling teenagers. Just me and the snow. It was so cold and windy today that it blew the snot right out of my nose. Talk about attractive. Pair that with the Under Armour and I'm sure to snag myself a hot date out there on the trails.

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