Thursday, January 11, 2007

Diagnose me

Exercise: Running
Distance: 4.00 miles
Time: 39.18
Average Pace: 9.48/mile
Location: Bike path
Weather: 39F, overcast, windy

Now I've done it. My foot hurts. And I mean really hurts. It hurts so bad that I was limping back to my car after my run today. For the past few weeks, I've had this weird tingling sensation in very specific spots on the bottom of my foot. Mostly, on the ball right under my big toe and on the outer side under my little toe. When described to other runners, they instantly say "Oh, yeah. Like your foot is falling asleep." It's a statement rather than a question and no it's not like that at all. It feels like there's a tiny little bubble in these two spots (and these two spots only) and they roll around and pulsate so much that I can feel my heart beat in my foot.

What the hell is that all about?!?!

Today, however, it's worse than ever before because the spot right under my big toe feels like someone is pinching it (leading me to believe that it's a pinched nerve, is this possible?) really really really freaking hard, or like pinching it with tweezers or some crap. I ripped off my sock and there is a sizable and tender bump right where the pain is.

Doctor. Soon. Like, tomorrow.

And you know, I'm really pissed off about this. I have a goal, I have the motivation, for the first time in years, I have some measurable level of fitness and then this shit happens. I was cursing up a storm out there today when I was dragging myself to my car because if the Dr tells me I can't run or that (horror of horrors) I have a STRESS FRACTURE I just cut the damn thing off and hobble around on my stump.

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