Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Treadmill blues, part deux

Exercise: Running
Distance: 3.00 miles
Time: 31.35 minutes
Average Pace: 10.20/mile or 5.8
Location: dreadmill
Weather: does it matter?

Only a few more days of this, I reckon. Then I should be over my sickness and able to don my Under Armor once again and head back out into the world. I feel like a hamster. I don't understand how people can do ALL of their training for a marathon on a treadmill. I think I'd end up in a padded room somewhere.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Treadmill blues

Exercise: Running
Distance: 2.00 miles
Time: 20.35 minutes
Average Pace: 10.20/mile
Location: dreadmill
Weather: 20F, snowy. Stupid snow

Have I mentioned I HATE the treadmill?

For some reason it seems really hard to maintain a 10.20 pace on the treadmill. Mentally it's just really draining and, yes, I'm still getting over my sickness a little. But 2 miles is only 2 miles at it was only at a 10.20 pace and this is only the second week (for those of you following along at home, I've adopted Hal Higdon's Half Marathon Training Program for the Novice, only I've shifted the days so that my long run falls on Saturday and my rest day is Thursday, follow?), so what gives?

I need an energy boost.

In other news, the training program I'm following calls for a 10K race at the end of week 9 which, for me, falls on St. Patrick's Day. I've signed up to run the 10K Shamrock Shuffle, then reward myself with some much deserved green beer. Can't wait!

Monday, January 29, 2007

Week 2

Exercise: Running
Distance: 3.00 miles
Time: 31.00 minutes
Average Pace: 10.20/mile
Location: dreadmill
Weather: 20F, snowy.

So, we're back on the wagon as of yesterday. I started with strength training yesterday and ran today. I got one of those big ridiculous looking balance balls for my house because I feel like an idiot trying to do stuff on it at the gym. So I rolled around in my living room last night and scared the hell out of my cat. I did lots of upper body and core work, and threw in some squats and lunges even though I hate them.

Running today on the treadmill was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. For the record, I hate Hate HATE the treadmill but I think running outside in the cold is how I got sick in the first place. Until the weather improves, I'm going to have to bite the bullet to get my miles in. It's SO boring and people at the gym annoy the living crap out of me and all I want to do is stop and go home and sulk in my apartment. But it has to be done! The half is now less than 11 weeks away so it's really time to buckle down if I plan on running this thing.

I just have to keep reminding myself: DON'T DO ANYTHING STUPID.

Friday, January 26, 2007


No sooner did I get a clean bill of health from my foot doctor than I come down with a nasty case of the flu. I've been home sick in bed for the past 3 days.

Here's one for ya..."You know you're a runner when you're lying sick in bed with the flu and all you can think about is lacing up your shoes and going out for a run."

We're a crazy bunch, I tell ya.

Monday, January 22, 2007

The Dealio

Hello fellow runners. Tonight I have some great news. I saw the podiatrist today and there is nothing wrong with me. Well, nothing she could see anyway, we're still not too sure I'm mentally sound, but that's a discussion for another day. The podiatrist thinks the new shoes I got fitted for aren't fitted after all and are all wrong for my feet, causing minor (yet annoying) nerve damage. Luckily, the nerve damage will heal itself in a few months and, the best part, I can continue to run provided I get a new new pair of shoes.


So training for the LaSalle Bank Columbus Half Marathon starts TODAY. I have exactly 12 weeks.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The good news

Exercise: Lap swimming
Time: 45 minutes
Location: duh, pool

Had the lane all to myself tonight. This is good because sometimes it gets so crowded that it's hard to get anything done. However, without another swimmer ahead of me to try and catch, I don't push as hard.

I talked to my dr today and he couldn't find anything wrong with my foot from the x-ray so he's sending me to a podiatrist. So yay for no stress fractures (although, I think I remember reading somewhere that stress fractures don't always show up on an x-ray so I might not be out of the clear yet) Right now, I'm praying it's a matter of orthodics because that I can handle.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Like a fish in water

Exercise: Lap swimming
Time: 45 minutes (stopped twice)
Location: duh, pool

I love swimming. Second only to running, it's my favorite form of exercise. I didn't even mind that there were TONS of little kids and a water aerobics class going on all in the same pool. It just felt great to get out there and stroke it up. I was a major swimmer in high school and college and I was always super competitive. Whenever I'd get up on the block before a race, I'd look up and down the line at the other swimmers on either side of me and I'd think "You all are toast." Even now, whenever I get in the pool I always have to be the fastest one. Usually I am because I go in the middle of the day and only senior citizens are there swimming laps. Geesh, I'm such an asshole! Proud of myself for smoking some old ladies. But swimming was always something that came naturally to me and it's about the only sport I have any actual talent for. I'm pretty slow out there on the running trails but throw me in a pool and I'm a rocket.

Doc left a voice mail on my HOME machine so I won't get my test results on my foot until tomorrow. I guess I'll be prepared to run or swim tomorrow, depending on what he says.

Sunday, January 14, 2007


So, fellow runners, I haven't given an update since Thursday. This is because I'm too depressed to really talk about it.

My foot was so painful on Thursday night that even the sheet on my bed stung when it touched it. Well, this is ridiculous, I thought. I called my doctor in the morning and he agreed to see me at 3.30 that afternoon. I hobbled around my office all day gaining sympathy as my condition worsened.

Finally, I found myself in the doctor's office with my shoe and sock off, pointing to the exact spot that hurt and going over the pain in meticulous detail. I'm not sure he really cared all THAT much, but I felt it necessary to describe every single twinge. Running is so important to me and I really just wanted the weird pain to be a corn or a matter of orthodics.

The doctor scratched his head and said, "Let's do an x-ray. I want to rule out a stress fracture before we proceed."

I should have the results tomorrow.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Diagnose me

Exercise: Running
Distance: 4.00 miles
Time: 39.18
Average Pace: 9.48/mile
Location: Bike path
Weather: 39F, overcast, windy

Now I've done it. My foot hurts. And I mean really hurts. It hurts so bad that I was limping back to my car after my run today. For the past few weeks, I've had this weird tingling sensation in very specific spots on the bottom of my foot. Mostly, on the ball right under my big toe and on the outer side under my little toe. When described to other runners, they instantly say "Oh, yeah. Like your foot is falling asleep." It's a statement rather than a question and no it's not like that at all. It feels like there's a tiny little bubble in these two spots (and these two spots only) and they roll around and pulsate so much that I can feel my heart beat in my foot.

What the hell is that all about?!?!

Today, however, it's worse than ever before because the spot right under my big toe feels like someone is pinching it (leading me to believe that it's a pinched nerve, is this possible?) really really really freaking hard, or like pinching it with tweezers or some crap. I ripped off my sock and there is a sizable and tender bump right where the pain is.

Doctor. Soon. Like, tomorrow.

And you know, I'm really pissed off about this. I have a goal, I have the motivation, for the first time in years, I have some measurable level of fitness and then this shit happens. I was cursing up a storm out there today when I was dragging myself to my car because if the Dr tells me I can't run or that (horror of horrors) I have a STRESS FRACTURE I just cut the damn thing off and hobble around on my stump.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Short and sweet

Exercise: Running
Distance: 3 miles
Time: 29.30
Average pace: 9.40/mile
Location: bike path
Weather: 31F

Sunny. Cold. Foot hurt. That's it.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

My team lost the National Championships

Exercise: Running
Distance: 3.25 miles (3.66)
Time: 41.39
Average pace: 10.12/mile (??)
Location: bike path
Weather: 31F, cold, windy, snow.

I think my nike+ doo dad needs to be recalibrated. I know for a fact the trail I ran today is, in fact 3.66 miles, not 3.25.

So today was a first. First run in the snow. Only us crazies were out there today, but that was nice, actually. No dogs to trip over, no gaggling teenagers. Just me and the snow. It was so cold and windy today that it blew the snot right out of my nose. Talk about attractive. Pair that with the Under Armour and I'm sure to snag myself a hot date out there on the trails.

Monday, January 08, 2007

I am a worthless pile of poop

I didn't run today.

I didn't even work out. You know, the whole weight training thing I was supposed to be starting today. Nope. Didn't do it.

My excuse? Well, 2 reasons, really. First of all, the nazi teaching the class yelled at me because I was holding the damn barbell wrong. I don't take to yelling too keenly so I not-so-politely excused myself from the class and went home.

Reason #2 being that I found out that all of season 3 of Grey's Anatomy can be watched online and since I've only seen up until the end of season 2 I feel the need to catch up before season 3 resumes on Thursday. Seems like perfectly logical reasons for not running to me.

Yeah right.

Goal for tomorrow: 3 miles, NO SLACKING.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Run Long

Exercise: Running
Distance: 4.10 miles
Time: 40.24
Average pace: 9.50/mile
Location: bike path
Weather: mid 50's, rainy

Man, I love Saturday morning long runs. The trail I normally run is dotted with all manner of runners on Saturday mornings, each one giving a wave and a cheery "Good Morning!" as they pass in the other direction. It was soupy (warm and rainy) but that didn't stop many from tying up their laces and hitting the road.

4.10 miles isn't technically a "long" run for me, but it's the farthest I've gone since my foot really started to bug me. I'll go back to the ice again, but lately I've been running without the arch support that I thought was helping and it actually feels better without. Who knows??

Goal for tomorrow: no running, but some other form of exercise? Maybe yoga? I start weight training at the gym on Monday so the routine might change a little. I definitely need to build some strength in my upper body. I can feel the fatigue in my arms and back creep in after only a few miles. Hopefully, this will help.

Total miles for the week: ~16

Friday, January 05, 2007

And on the Fifth Day, There Was Rest

Exercise: shoe shopping
Length: 1 hour
Pairs of shoes tried on: 47
Pairs of shoes purchased: 0
Weather: horse vomit

Hey kids. It's nasty outside. I had a scheduled rest day today anyway but I'd be hard pressed to get out there if I didn't. No luck on the shoes. I feel fidgety and anxious without getting a run in but I know taking a day off is necessary in order to complete the run for tomorrow. I don't want to burn myself out during my first full week back.

About a week ago, I signed up for netflix and my first movie came in the mail yesterday. I have an entire evening planned watching Chariots of Fire, giving myself a pedicure and eating some frozen yogurt.

Until tomorrow...

Goal for Saturday: between 4 and 4.5 miles, easy.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

This is why they call running a "mental" sport

Exercise: Running
Distance: 2.77 miles
Time: 27.15
Average pace: 9.49/mile
Location: bike path
Weather: low 50's, rainy, windy

I had a shit day. I mean, my legs felt like crap, I didn't want to run and it was wet and cold and windy. Needless to say, I was not in the best frame of mind when I laced up my shoes. I had several conversations with myself that went something like this:

I: Hi Myself
Myself: Shut up
I: Wow. Somebody's cranky.
Myself: Yeah, well, you would be too if you had to run in this freaking weather.
I: Uh, genius, I am running in this weather. You? Me? Same person!
Myself: Oh yeah? then why are you so happy?
I: Because we get to run! Isn't it great?
Myself: Uh huh.
I: We have our nike+ gadget all queued up and ready to roll with all kinds of motivational songs
Myself: more like crap
I: and it's not too crowded out here
Myself: except for a bunch of stupid people and their stupid dogs
I: and the sun is tucked behind the clouds
Myself: stupid rain
I: and we're going to have a great run today!
Myself: Shut up you loser

...five minutes later

Myself: I want to stop
I: But we just got started
Myself: So? This sucks
I: Come on! You can do it!
Myself: No I can't
I: Yes you can. Just hang in there and you'll start to feel better
Myself: dodododododododo...I hate this....dodododododododododo
I: what are you doing?
Myself: trying to block you out of my head so I can stop running
I: Come on! Keep moving!

....ten minutes later

Myself: Oh sweet merciful heavens!!!!!
I: what are you complaining about now?
Myself: I want to stop!!!!!!!!!
I: Why?
Myself: I'm tired
I: Get over it.
Myself: It's too far
I: It's 3 lousy miles
Myself: It's too far
I: Oh look! A tree! Look at that beautiful tree!
Myself: Shut up. Quit trying to distract me from my pain
I: How's your foot?
Myself: Fine
I: then you have no reason to stop. Keep going!

...and in the end.

Thank God that's over!
I: Great job!
Myself: Yeah, that wasn't too bad.
I: Oh shut up! You complained the entire time

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

A mighty wind

Exercise: Running
Distance: 3.0 miles
Time: 29.05
Average pace: 9.40/mile
Location: bike path
Weather: upper 40's, windy

Warmer today. Little slower, which is good although I find it hard to maintain a slower pace if I'm not paying attention, causing me to tucker out sooner. I didn't stop at all today (wahoo!) but the wind was brutal!

Goal for tomorrow: another 3 miles. I'll probably take Friday off and then do a 4 or 5 miler on Saturday. My long runs typically fall on a Saturday but I only ran 3 miles last weekend. I want to be really careful about building up the miles again so I don't over do it...leading to certain injury.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

And so it continues

Exercise: Running
Distance: 3.08 miles
Time: 29.14
Average pace: 9.28/mile (holy crap I love the nike+!)
Location: Antrim, bike path
Weather: 45F

It was a lot colder today than it has been in a long time. Not a cloud in the sky and a brilliant sun (reminder: stick a baseball hat in the car for such rare occasions). But the wind was biting. My lungs were freezing and I thought they might burst. Good time for me today, though. Probably in part to the chill in the air and the Under Armour that always seems to make my legs spring a little faster.

I took two weeks off during the Christmas season for two reason. The first being I was just too freaking busy to get my miles in and the second being I have a niggling little pain in my foot. I thought some time off and a good set of arch supports would do it good. However, I felt the twinge coming back in the ball of my foot today. I'll ice it, do the usual, but I think I'll probably have to go see a doctor. Stupid foot.

It's amazing how quickly I lost the fitness I had worked so hard for. It's not completely gone but it's definitely a struggle to run the miles that used to be rather easy. 6 weeks ago, 3 miles would have been an easy day. Today I had to stop twice. I know I'll get back there but it gets frustrating sometimes. Stupid foot.

Oh yeah, and I have to remember to drink the sports drink a lot earlier than I did today. I thought I was going to hurl there for a second.

Goal for tomorrow: 3 miles again, but S.L.O.W.E.R.! No need to push it and risk injuring my foot.

Monday, January 01, 2007

It starts today

I read somewhere that 99% of all New Years resolutions fail within the first month.

Well, lets not call this a "resolution" so much as a "promise" and let's not mention the fact that it just so happens to start on January 1st. That's just a coincidence, right?

My "promise" that I'm making to myself on a rainy Monday morning in January is to keep a training log. I've been running a LOT in the last year and I have no way to account for it. I kept a paper log for a while, a wire ringed notepad I kept on my person at all times. (Well, at least I did until I got a new purse and it was too small and something had to go and that was it.) I figure, if I'm on my computer every day anyway, checking out all the important stuff like myspace, Runner's World and Phedippidations (yeah, it's a weird word, but I love this guy. Check out his podcast sometime, it's a funny, informative and inspiring resource for us middle- and back-of-the-packer's.), then I might as well make use of my time here and keep track of the miles I put in so on December 31st, 2007 I can say I ran xxx miles.

The format will be something like this (although subject to change at any time):

Exercise: Running (only because sometimes I cross train or lift weights)
Distance: 3
Time: 30.12, average pace ?? (this, I will try to take from my Nike + gadget)
Location: Antrim (popular running trail by my house), or gym, treadmill, etc.
Weather: (if applicable) Rainy, but warm

If I have time, I might jot something down about how my legs felt or my problem foot. I'll also add what my goal for the following day will be.

So, let's get this thing started, shall we? Good luck to all of you in the "promises" you've made to yourself. I wish you health and happiness in the new year!