Saturday, January 06, 2007

Run Long

Exercise: Running
Distance: 4.10 miles
Time: 40.24
Average pace: 9.50/mile
Location: bike path
Weather: mid 50's, rainy

Man, I love Saturday morning long runs. The trail I normally run is dotted with all manner of runners on Saturday mornings, each one giving a wave and a cheery "Good Morning!" as they pass in the other direction. It was soupy (warm and rainy) but that didn't stop many from tying up their laces and hitting the road.

4.10 miles isn't technically a "long" run for me, but it's the farthest I've gone since my foot really started to bug me. I'll go back to the ice again, but lately I've been running without the arch support that I thought was helping and it actually feels better without. Who knows??

Goal for tomorrow: no running, but some other form of exercise? Maybe yoga? I start weight training at the gym on Monday so the routine might change a little. I definitely need to build some strength in my upper body. I can feel the fatigue in my arms and back creep in after only a few miles. Hopefully, this will help.

Total miles for the week: ~16

1 comment:

vanessa40 said...

Great run :)
I'm going to start doing more yoga and pilates also..i need to work my core:)