Sunday, January 14, 2007


So, fellow runners, I haven't given an update since Thursday. This is because I'm too depressed to really talk about it.

My foot was so painful on Thursday night that even the sheet on my bed stung when it touched it. Well, this is ridiculous, I thought. I called my doctor in the morning and he agreed to see me at 3.30 that afternoon. I hobbled around my office all day gaining sympathy as my condition worsened.

Finally, I found myself in the doctor's office with my shoe and sock off, pointing to the exact spot that hurt and going over the pain in meticulous detail. I'm not sure he really cared all THAT much, but I felt it necessary to describe every single twinge. Running is so important to me and I really just wanted the weird pain to be a corn or a matter of orthodics.

The doctor scratched his head and said, "Let's do an x-ray. I want to rule out a stress fracture before we proceed."

I should have the results tomorrow.


Sarah said...

Wow - I hope you get some kind of answer! Having been through running related injuries and pain, I get that when you're down, it really sucks. I hope you are able to get back out on the road soon!

kate said...

Thanks! It's really frustrating, but the dr doesn't think it's a stress fracture so at least that's some good news. He's refering me to a it continues.